HISTORY OF Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter
The Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter was chartered on June 4, 1949 by five ingenious men: James W. Parrish, J.E. Payden, Fred Philpott, C. Edgar Sinkford, and Marion T. Frederick.
over the years, Our chapter has seen members come and go; however, our stability lies in our members’ love for true Brotherhood, committed Service, and uncompromising Scholarship. Our vision, “Providing outstanding community service and social programs that address issues that impact African-American men and boys in Columbus Ohio,” has kept our chapter on the cutting edge of community service for over 70 years.
We believe wholeheartedly in our Fraternity motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity”, and efforts to gauge the needs of African-American men and boys have driven some of our most successful programs.
As we continue to move forward, The Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter will continue the legacy of focusing on issues and efforts to gauge the needs of African-American men and families in order to strengthen communities. We are focused on the high ideals set forth by our Honorable Founders:
Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter moving forward and serious about SERVICE.
A Sigma man embraces the memories of the past and looks forward to creating paths for the future.
DELta Omicron Chapter

The Distinguished Delta Omicron Chapter at The Ohio State University was founded May 8, 1969 by Honorable Wendall B. Sims of Chicago, Illinois.
Delta Omicron was chartered November 15, 1969 by the Soulful Six:
Regional A. Wilkerson
John Yung Gentry
Anthony Robert Woody
Mitchell Mahogany Dickerson
Raymond Sales
David Gregory Williams
For detailed information about the Delta Omicron chapter, follow the following link to the chapter’s website: Click here
epsilon Omicron Chapter

The Epsilon Omicron Chapter at Ohio University was chartered under the guidance of Brother James Stewart (Initiated Through Alpha Chapter) while he was instructing at the University. Epsilon Omicron was chartered on May 20, 1972 by these Visionary brothers:
Lonnie Lee
Derrick Floyd
John “Buck” Byrdsell
Carl Clifton Chancellor
James Michael Spaulding
James Edward Clay
Otis Friday Jr.
Harold “Sweet Pete” Carmichael
Larry Eugene Bankston
Darnell Brown
Stephen Leslie Frederick
epsilon Phi

The Elite Epsilon Phi Chapter at Bowling Green State University was chartered under the leadership and guidance of Brother Frank W. Brown (Then Regional Director).
Epsilon Phi was chartered on April 8, 1973 by The Fore-Fathers Divine:
Joseph Copeland
Anthony Crenshaw
Glynn Arrington
Gerald McBride.
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